Alexander Vlasov wrote:
Rudimentary is relative.  For example:
* can you search in aptitude for the package that contains the a specific architecture version (sparc, i386, etc.) of a specific file?

Besides of OpenSolaris, OsX is the only system where application being delivered as one package for all supported architectures, AFAIK. So concept is not applicable here; however, you can search for a package which contains specific file for your architecture.

* can you search for packages that depend on the C++ runtime library and deliver a file to /usr/lib?

No; you can only make those two searches separately.
However this usage pattern is quite uncommon, especially comparing to `get list of strategic games' or `list of qt-based IM clients'

You can do either of those with pkg(5) as well if the proper metadata exists.

So, as I said before, "rudimentary" is relative.

Shawn Walker
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

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