On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 8:32 PM, Glenn Lagasse<glenn.laga...@sun.com> wrote:
> * Anon Y Mous (music_anal...@yahoo.com) wrote:
>> Did you try installing it on an Solaris Express Community Edition
>> (SXCE)? I suspect Oracle products run better on Solaris Express than
>> they do on OpenSolaris Indiana because Solaris Express has a user-land
>> that is more traditional, like Solaris 10. The advantage of using SXCE
>> over Solaris 10 is that SXCE has most of the same new cutting features
>> that OpenSolaris Indiana has (Crossbow, etc.) while maintaining better
>> backwards compatibility with Solaris 10 than OpenSolaris Indiana does:
> Please don't spread FUD.  OpenSolaris ships with the exact same userland
> as Solaris Express (with some exceptions such as technologies which are
> being replaced, live upgrade for one).  The only difference is the
> inclusion of GNU tools prepended to the default user's path.
> SXCE as previously communicated is going away.  That isn't going to
> change.  So, steering people towards using it at this time is a
> disservice imho.  Why people think OpenSolaris is so much different from
> Solaris Express boggles my mind.  The changes between the two (outside
> of Installation and packaging) are so minute as to be almost
> unmeasurable.
people keep saying there are few changes, but nonne said which are those
i can name only a few

-/bin/sh is no longer solaris' sh
-/bin/ksh is now ksh93
-the default shell for users is now bash (I'm not sure about this one)
-the default PATH now includes the gnu tools on top (please, please,
we need a switch in the installer for this, we cannot have a set of
tools that do not support zfs acls and zfs)
-the default crypto algorithm for password changed (it was still
__unix__ last time i used SXCE which was a long time ago)
-the default tool to manage packages is now pkg(5)
-LU is now dead
-some closed source drivers are not included
-jumpstart is dead
-no text based installer

what else?

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