On 14/04/2010 15:56, Alan Coopersmith wrote:
Chad Welsh wrote:
So, when and who might be the first step/person to make this happen to protect 
what has been done so far?
What would your fork do differently than the main project, besides have almost
no developers working on it, since all the Oracle-paid developers would still be
working on the original OpenSolaris?    Would you even have enough developers
to keep up with the overhead of merging in all the changes Oracle developers
are pushing to the main OpenSolaris gates every day?

If what you really want is a new distro that's not in Oracle's control, what
would differentiate your distro from the existing ones, and why would it make
sense to start another instead of joining one of the existing groups to work
on theirs?

Agree 100%.

All that fork thing is silly...

I guess some people are getting nervous a little bit (unnecessarily imho), then we probably have Sun/Oracle competition adding some FUD as well... but at the end of a day it's Oracle fault for not communicating clearly to OS communities about its plans and/or for not allowing Sun developers to publicly speak their minds.

I think there is a culture problem to some degree - Oracle definitely announced that 2010.03 is coming in the first half of 2010 during the Welcome session last month in London. What's lacking though is a clear message along the same lines from development here on mailing lists - not everyone attended these welcome sessions after all.

Robert Milkowski

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