That's me on the list. You go in Snowglobe V2? My partner was also there 
in Emerald and did not get banned - that's why I was asking about 
client-based ban (and hence why I even brought it up on this list, even 
though it's only on topic in a very cursory way).


On 05/01/2010 12:45 AM, Andromeda Quonset wrote:
> I went there.  I saw a "GC Continental" was on the ban list for both 
> of the sims.  That was the closest I could find to you.
> I am not aware of there being any autobanners that ban by client that 
> any landowner or sim owner can use.  I don't know of any way to detect 
> via script or estate or land controls what client someone is even using.
> I do know there is maintenance going on, and regions being restarted.  
> Perhaps you were simply caught in a sim restart.
> At 09:49 PM 4/30/2010, Glen Canaday wrote:
>> There are autobanners that ban by client, no? Full-sim, estate ban?
>> I'm on Snowglobe 2 and just got banned from both The Loft and The Loft
>> II; both are furniture store sims. Can someone TP there and test if they
>> get banned? If someone is banning by presence on the TPV list, then snow
>> needs to be on it rather than listed separately... (tho I could have
>> sworn it WAS on it)...
>> --GC

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