On Sat, May 1, 2010 at 6:09 PM, Glen Canaday <gcana...@gmail.com> wrote:
> [15:05] GC Continental: Compile it yourself - use the svn sources
> [15:05] zFire Xue: but being that I have IDed Snowglobe over 2800 times
> with the system, and then there is you, and 2 others... it doesnt look
> good that you are such a rare exception.
> [15:06] GC Continental: You'll have the same viewer I have.
> [15:06] zFire Xue: That explains how someone may have made a copybot out
> of it.

and most of the reason for the rarity is that most folks can't seem to
get a from source compile to actually work much less getting a SVN
copy to work.
Personally i think that any kind of ban by viewer signature device
should be banned (outside of a Linden Lab built item).

Robert L Martin
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