I did not wish to do anything special except of fixing mingw, so I
drop the LEAN_AND_MEAN fixup.
Latest snapshot added obj_xref.h, so the depend target can stay the same.

Attached is the only fix needed for making domd use cross compiler, as
it fails because of the -mno-cygwin.
And optional fix I have in my queue for msys.


For some strange reason perl reports that symlinks are available
under msys, while it cannot create symbolic link when the to
is not reachable from cwd.


diff -urNp openssl-SNAP-20080611.org/util/mklink.pl openssl-SNAP-20080611/util/mklink.pl
--- openssl-SNAP-20080611.org/util/mklink.pl	2006-02-09 15:00:35.000000000 +0200
+++ openssl-SNAP-20080611/util/mklink.pl	2008-06-13 12:42:06.000000000 +0300
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ my $to = join('/', @to_path);
 my $file;
 $symlink_exists=eval {symlink("",""); 1};
+if ($^O eq "msys") { $symlink_exists=0 };
 foreach $file (@files) {
     my $err = "";
     if ($symlink_exists) {
Make domd use cross compiler if available.


--- openssl-SNAP-20081019/Configure	2008-10-12 17:00:05.000000000 +0200
+++ openssl-SNAP-20081019.old/Configure	2008-10-21 20:13:28.000000000 +0200
@@ -1394,12 +1394,13 @@ while (<IN>)
 		s/^AR=\s*/AR= \$\(CROSS_COMPILE_PREFIX\)/;
 		s/^NM=\s*/NM= \$\(CROSS_COMPILE_PREFIX\)/;
+		s/^MAKEDEPPROG=.*$/MAKEDEPPROG= \$\(CROSS_COMPILE_PREFIX\)$cc/ if $cc eq "gcc";
 	else	{
 		s/^CC=.*$/CC= $cc/;
 		s/^RANLIB=.*/RANLIB= $ranlib/;
+		s/^MAKEDEPPROG=.*$/MAKEDEPPROG= $cc/ if $cc eq "gcc";
-	s/^MAKEDEPPROG=.*$/MAKEDEPPROG= $cc/ if $cc eq "gcc";
 	s/^CFLAG=.*$/CFLAG= $cflags/;
 	s/^DEPFLAG=.*$/DEPFLAG= $depflags/;
 	s/^PEX_LIBS=.*$/PEX_LIBS= $prelflags/;
--- openssl-SNAP-20081019/util/domd	2008-09-09 23:00:21.000000000 +0300
+++ openssl-SNAP-20081019.old/util/domd	2008-10-21 20:16:57.000000000 +0200
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ if [ "$MAKEDEPEND" = "" ]; then MAKEDEPE
 cp Makefile Makefile.save
 # fake the presence of Kerberos
 touch $TOP/krb5.h
-if [ "$MAKEDEPEND" = "gcc" ]; then
+if echo "$MAKEDEPEND" | grep "gcc" > /dev/null;  then
     while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
 	if [ "$1" != "--" ]; then args="$args $1"; fi
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ if [ "$MAKEDEPEND" = "gcc" ]; then
     sed -e '/^# DO NOT DELETE.*/,$d' < Makefile > Makefile.tmp
     echo '# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE -- make depend depends on it.' >> Makefile.tmp
-    gcc -Werror -D OPENSSL_DOING_MAKEDEPEND -M $args >> Makefile.tmp || exit
+    "$MAKEDEPEND" -Werror -D OPENSSL_DOING_MAKEDEPEND -M $args >> Makefile.tmp || exit
     ${PERL} $TOP/util/clean-depend.pl < Makefile.tmp > Makefile.new
     rm -f Makefile.tmp

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