
Isn't the abusive language and attitude used by Miguel good reason to ban 
him/her from this group? Although it was taken as humorous in the beginning, it 
seems that a lot of users were put off by his message.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Robert Butler 
  To: openssl-users@openssl.org 
  Sent: Monday, May 04, 2009 4:01 PM
  Subject: Re: I want you to do my homework for me.

  Hi Alan,

  I do apologize for the outburst in the mailing list over the weekend.  But 
he's succeeded in pushing my buttons. I do recommend 
  though, that you read over the entirety of the thread / message in question, 
and not just my response to "Miguel."  He has been 
  making warrant-less threats, accusations, and demands since early Saturday.

  I  tried being polite out of respect for the mailing list.  That being said,  
I resent greatly labeling of me in the way that he has, and 
  merely  wished to  be overly blunt to demonstrate that I could have posted 
far worse, far earlier, however had exhibited restraint 
  due to the fact that this -is- a public mailing list.  Though, what I'd 
posted was more from frustration than anything else.

  Once again, I apologize for -my- behavior.
  - Robert

  On Mon, 2009-05-04 at 10:16 +0100, a.l.m.bu...@lboro.ac.uk wrote: 

> No. I was trying to be polite, <snip>

excuse me? This is a general open public mailing list for OpenSSL.

this sort of abusive language has no place here - its read by a mixture 
of professional, non-professional, adults, children, researchers,
computer users etc. foul language has its place in other, more
appropriate locations.

please take some responsibility and be responsible

I can see no purpose of this silly thread other than to disrupt
an otherwise useful and normal mailing list. 

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