Hi, Ivan

Thank you for your information. And I'm sorry for delay reply.

> Hi, 
> I also collect the tests status for nova v3 api manually. You can find the 
> status of v3 tests in this link: 
> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/nova-v3-tests
> Because there are some extensions that just extend the attribute of specific 
> api reponse, or convert some input before specific api
> called. There is no url for these extension, but I think we also need check 
> them. I collect the tempest tests according to the nova api code. check tests 
> to the action
> one by one, list the status file by file. 

I have a question. Is there any way to list the nova v3 apis?
If so, I think the checking process of the test implementation can be 

Best Regards,
-- Masayuki Igawa

> Due to these patch https://review.openstack.org/#/c/39609/ and 
> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/39621/ are still under reviewing. so we 
> can't add tempest test for nova v3 api. (almost existing tests have been 
> ported into v3, but these patches depend on the 39609 and 39621).  The status 
> of porting existing tests is also listed in this link. we will add the 
> missing tests in v2
> firstly, when it can be ported into v3, will port it.
> Best Regards
> Ivan Zhu
> On 2013年10月15日 14:25, Masayuki Igawa wrote:
>       Hi, 
>       First, thank you to an anonymous for updating this list!
>           -> GET /{project_id}/servers/:server_id/diagnostics
>       And, I have updated: Nova API List for Missing Tempest Tests.
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmYuZ6T4IJETdEVNTWlYVUVOWURmOERSZ0VGc1BBQWc
>       The summary of this list:
>                                               different count from
>       Tested or not     # of APIs     ratio   the last time
>       -------------------------------------------------------
>       Tested API              124      49.6%          +2
>       Not Tested API           66      26.4%          -2
>       Not Need to Test(*1)     60      24.0%           0
>       -------------------------------------------------------
>       Total(*2):              250     100.0%           0
>       (*1) Because they are deprecated APIs such as nova-network and volume.
>       (*2) not included v3 APIs
>       The tempest version is:
>        commit f55f4e54ceab7c6a4d330f92c8059e46233e3560
>        Merge: 86ab238 062e30a
>        Author: Jenkins <jenk...@review.openstack.org> 
> <mailto:jenk...@review.openstack.org> 
>        Date:   Mon Oct 14 15:55:59 2013 +0000
>       By the way, I saw a design summit proposal related to this topic(*3). I 
> think
>       this information should be generated automatically. So I'd like to talk 
> about
>       this topic at the summit session.
>       (*3) Coverage analysis tooling: 
> http://summit.openstack.org/cfp/details/171
>       This information would be useful for creating Tempest tests.
>       Any comments/questions/suggestions are welcome.
>       Best Regards,
>       -- Masayuki Igawa
>               Hi,
>               # I'm sorry for this resending because my last mail has 
> unnecessary messages.
>               I have updated: Nova API List for Missing Tempest Tests.
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmYuZ6T4IJETdEVNTWlYVUVOWURmOERSZ0VGc1BBQWc
>               The summary of this list:
>                                                       different count from
>               Tested or not    # of APIs      ratio   the last time
>               -------------------------------------------------------
>               Tested API              122      48.8%          +5
>               Not Tested API           68      27.2%          -5
>               Not Need to Test(*1)     60      24.0%           0
>               -------------------------------------------------------
>               Total(*2):              250     100.0%           0
>               (*1) Because they are deprecated APIs such as nova-network and 
> volume.
>               (*2) not included v3 APIs
>               I hope this information would be helpful for creating Tempest 
> tests.
>               Any comments and questions are welcome.
>               Best Regards,
>               -- Masayuki Igawa
>                       Hi, Tempest developers
>                       I have made:
>                        Nova API List for Missing Tempest Tests.
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmYuZ6T4IJETdEVNTWlYVUVOWURmOERSZ0VGc1BBQWc
>                       This list shows what we should test. That is:
>                        * Nova has 250 APIs(not include v3 APIs).
>                        * 117 APIs are executed(maybe tested).
>                        * 73 APIs are not executed.
>                        * 60 APIs are not executed. But they maybe not need to 
> test.
>                            -> Because they are deprecated APIs such as 
> nova-network and volume.
>                       So I think we need more tempest test cases.
>                       If this idea is acceptable, can you put your name to 
> 'assignee' at your favorites,
>                       and implement tempest tests.
>                       Any comments are welcome.
>                       Additional information:
>                        I made this API list with modification of nova's code 
> that based on 
>                        https://review.openstack.org/#/c/25882/ (Abandoned).
>                       Best Regards,
>                       -- Masayuki Igawa
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