On 11/16/2013 12:42 PM, Sean Dague wrote:
On 11/15/2013 01:13 PM, Mark McLoughlin wrote:
On Fri, 2013-11-15 at 12:47 -0500, Anita Kuno wrote:
On 11/15/2013 12:34 PM, Russell Bryant wrote:
On 11/15/2013 12:16 PM, Kyle Mestery (kmestery) wrote:
On Nov 15, 2013, at 11:04 AM, Dan Smith <d...@danplanet.com> wrote:
Thanks for weighing in, I do hope to keep the conversation going.
Add my name to the list of people that won't be considering the trip as
a result.

Are people really saying that if they show up for this Tempest sprint
with a logo shirt they would actually take it off and wear a white shirt
provided by someone, or that this will prevent them from going at all?
I can't even believe we're having this conversation on the list, frankly.
I'm saying that I find it so ridiculous, that I wouldn't consider going
at all.

I find the suggestion that I would be given a different shit to wear so
offensive, that I have to waste time having this conversation to condemn
it publicly.  I have a lot of pride in OpenStack, and don't want anyone
to think that everyone finds this sort of requirement acceptable in our
I respect this about you, Russell and it is one of the many reasons I am
so glad to work with you.

Had this level of pride in OpenStack been prevalent during the Neutron
design summit sessions, it wouldn't even have occured to me to mention it.

I hope to attract people with this level of pride in OpenStack to the
code sprint and my thought was that eliminating logos would support that

What would you suggest to attract and foster this level of pride in
OpenStack in the code sprint attendees?

I will also note, that while you clearly stated the Neutron is being
considered for deprecation - t-shirts prevail as an issue on this
thread. I consider that rather interesting to observe.
I think you're expressing a similar sentiment to e.g. "there should be
more Neutron developers who work on core Neutron rather than just their
drivers". I'm cool with that, and totally agree.

Choosing to pick on people's choice of clothing is just a bizarre way of
expressing that concern, though.

Bear in mind how often I talk about this being a community of
individuals, we should all wear our "project hats", that our affiliation
should be secondary to our commitment to our project, ...

Dictating what people can wear to an OpenStack event is not my idea of
what OpenStack is all about. It's not my idea of the "mutual respect"
you talk about.
100% agree with Mark. I think the spirit of working together on the
whole can be set as a tone without rules and policies around people's
clothing. This is about inclusiveness.

I'd like the clothing restriction bits retracted from this as well,
because I don't think it's really relevant to the discussion, the
sprint, or how we function as a community.

It happened yesterday: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2013-November/019403.html

I'm really heartened by the content in the discussion so far. Thanks to all who are adding value.


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