On 12/20/2013 02:37 PM, Imre Farkas wrote:
On 12/20/2013 12:25 PM, Ladislav Smola wrote:
2. Heat stack create, update
This is locked in the process of the operation, so nobody can mess with
it while it is updating or creating.
Once we will pack all operations that are now aside in this, we should
be alright. And that should be doable in I.
So we should push towards this, rather then building some temporary
locking solution in Tuskar-API.

It's not the issue of locking, but the goal of Tuskar with the Provision button is not only a single stack creation. After Heat's job is done, the overcloud needs to be properly configured: Keystone needs to be initialized, the services need to be registered, etc. I don't think Horizon wants to add a background worker to handle such operations.

Yes, that is a valid point. I hope we will be able to pack it all to Heat Template in I. This could be the way https://blueprints.launchpad.net/heat/+spec/hot-software-config

Seems like the consensus is: It belongs to Heat. We are just not able to do it that way now.

So there is a question, whether we should try to solve it in Tuskar-API temporarily. Or rather focus on the Heat.


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