On 01/29/2014 05:24 PM, Kyle Mestery wrote:
> On Jan 29, 2014, at 12:04 PM, Russell Bryant <rbry...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> On 01/29/2014 12:45 PM, Daniel P. Berrange wrote:
>>> I was thinking of an upgrade path more akin to what users got when we
>>> removed the nova volume driver, in favour of cinder.
>>>  https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MigrateToCinder
>>> ie no guest visible downtime / interuption of service, nor running of
>>> multiple Nova instances in parallel.
>> Yeah, I'd love to see something like that.  I would really like to see
>> more effort in this area.  I honestly haven't been thinking about it
>> much in a while personally, because the rest of the "make it work" gaps
>> have still been a work in progress.
>> There's a bit of a bigger set of questions here, too ...
>> Should nova-network *ever* go away?  Or will there always just be a
>> choice between the basic/legacy nova-network option, and the new fancy
>> SDN-enabling Neutron option?  Is the Neutron team's time better spent on
>> OpenDaylight integration than the existing open source plugins?
> This point about OpenDaylight vs. existing open source plugins is something
> which some of us have talked about for a while now. I’ve spent a lot of time
> with the OpenDaylight team over the last 2 months, and I believe once we
> get that ML2 MechanismDriver upstreamed (waiting on third party testing and
> reviews [1], perhaps we can at least remove some pressure agent-wise. The
> current OpenDaylight driver doesn’t use a compute agent. And future iterations
> will hopefully remove the need for an L3 agent as well, maybe even DHCP.
> Since a lot of the gate issues seem to resolve around those things, my hope
> is this approach can simplify some code and lead to more stability. But we’ll
> see, we’re very early here at the moment.

I think this point is really important and I'd love to see more input
from others on the Neutron side.

There's the long term view: where are we headed?  What's the
nova-network/Nova+neutron end game?

There's also the short term issues: Neutron reliability has been causing
massive pain in the OpenStack gate for months.  Are we going through
this pain for no good reason if we expect these plugins to go away
before becoming a viable production option?

Russell Bryant

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