kazuhiro MIYASHITA,

I have done a lot of thinking about this.  I have a blueprint on hold
until Kilo for Neutron/Designate integration [1].

However, my blueprint doesn't quite address what you are going after
here.  An assumption that I have made is that Designate is an external
or internet facing service so a Neutron router needs to be in the
datapath to carry requests from dnsmasq to an external network.  The
advantage of this is that it is how Neutron works today so there is no
new development needed.

Could you elaborate on the advantages of connecting dnsmasq directly
to the external network where Designate will be available?


[1] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/88624/

On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 7:51 AM, Miyashita, Kazuhiro
<miy...@jp.fujitsu.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to ask about neutron and designate integration.
> I think dnsmasq fowards DNS request from instance to designate is better.
>                            +------------------------+
>                            |DNS server(designate)   |
>                            +------------------------+
>                                 |
> -----------------+--------------+------ Network1
>                  |
>               +--------+
>               |dnsmasq |
>               +--------+
>                 |
> -+--------------+---------------------- Network2
>  |
> +---------+
> |instance |
> +---------+
> Because it's simpler than virtual router connects Network1 and Network2.
> If router connects network, instance should know where DNS server is. it is 
> complicated.
> dnsmasq returns its ip address as dns server in DHCP replay by ordinary, so,
> I think good dnsmasq becomes like a gateway to designate.
> But, I can't connect dnsmasq to Network1. because of today's neutron design.
> Question:
>   Does designate design team have a plan such as above integration?
>   or other integration design?
> *1: Network1 and Network2 are deployed by neutron.
> *2: neutron deploys dnsmasq as a dhcp server.
>     dnsmasq can forward DNS request.
> Thanks,
> kazuhiro MIYASHITA
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