>From: Chris Dent [chd...@redhat.com] Tuesday, October 07, 2014 12:07 PM
>On Wed, 3 Sep 2014, Sandy Walsh wrote:
>> Good goals. When Producer and Consumer know what to expect, things are
>> good ... "I know to find the Instance ID <here>". When the consumer
>> wants to deal with a notification as a generic object, things get tricky
>> ("find the instance ID in the payload", "What is the image type?", "Is
>> this an error notification?")
>> Basically, how do we define the principle artifacts for each service and
>> grant the consumer easy/consistent access to them? (like the 7-W's above)
>> I'd really like to find a way to solve that problem.
>>> Is that a good summary? What did I leave out or get wrong?
>> Great start! Let's keep it simple and do-able.
>Has there been any further thinking on these topics? Summit is soon
>and kilo specs are starting so I imagine more people than just me are
>hoping to get rolling on plans.
>If there is going to be a discussion at summit I hope people will be
>good about keeping some artifacts for those of us watching from afar.
>It seems to me that if the notifications ecosystem becomes
>sufficiently robust and resilient we ought to be able to achieve
>some interesting scale and distributed-ness opporunities throughout
>OpenStack, not just in telemetry/metering/eventing (choose your term
>of art).

Haven't had any time to get anything written down (pressing deadlines with 
StackTach.v3) but open to suggestions. Perhaps we should just add something to 
the olso.messaging etherpad to find time at the summit to talk about it?


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