Thanks for this.

It would be interesting to see how much of this work you think is
achievable in Kilo. How long do you see this process taking? In line
with that, is it just you currently working on this? Would calling for
volunteers to help be meaningful?


On Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 5:00 AM, Andrew Laski
<> wrote:
> One of the big goals for the Kilo cycle by users and developers of the cells
> functionality within Nova is to get it to a point where it can be considered
> a first class citizen of Nova.  Ultimately I think this comes down to
> getting it tested by default in Nova jobs, and making it easy for developers
> to work with.  But there's a lot of work to get there.  In order to raise
> awareness of this effort, and get the conversation started on a few things,
> I've summarized a little bit about cells and this effort below.
> Goals:
> Testing of a single cell setup in the gate.
> Feature parity.
> Make cells the default implementation.  Developers write code once and it
> works for  cells.
> Ultimately the goal is to improve maintainability of a large feature within
> the Nova code base.
> Feature gaps:
> Host aggregates
> Security groups
> Server groups
> Shortcomings:
> Flavor syncing
>     This needs to be addressed now.
> Cells scheduling/rescheduling
> Instances can not currently move between cells
>     These two won't affect the default one cell setup so they will be
> addressed later.
> What does cells do:
> Schedule an instance to a cell based on flavor slots available.
> Proxy API requests to the proper cell.
> Keep a copy of instance data at the global level for quick retrieval.
> Sync data up from a child cell to keep the global level up to date.
> Simplifying assumptions:
> Cells will be treated as a two level tree structure.
> Plan:
> Fix flavor breakage in child cell which causes boot tests to fail. Currently
> the libvirt driver needs flavor.extra_specs which is not synced to the child
> cell.  Some options are to sync flavor and extra specs to child cell db, or
> pass full data with the request.
> offers a means of passing full data with the request.
> Determine proper switches to turn off Tempest tests for features that don't
> work with the goal of getting a voting job.  Once this is in place we can
> move towards feature parity and work on internal refactorings.
> Work towards adding parity for host aggregates, security groups, and server
> groups.  They should be made to work in a single cell setup, but the
> solution should not preclude them from being used in multiple cells.  There
> needs to be some discussion as to whether a host aggregate or server group
> is a global concept or per cell concept.
> Work towards merging compute/ and compute/ so that
> developers only need to make changes/additions in once place.  The goal is
> for as much as possible to be hidden by the RPC layer, which will determine
> whether a call goes to a compute/conductor/cell.
> For syncing data between cells, look at using objects to handle the logic of
> writing data to the cell/parent and then syncing the data to the other.
> A potential migration scenario is to consider a non cells setup to be a
> child cell and converting to cells will mean setting up a parent cell and
> linking them.  There are periodic tasks in place to sync data up from a
> child already, but a manual kick off mechanism will need to be added.
> Future plans:
> Something that has been considered, but is out of scope for now, is that the
> parent/api cell doesn't need the same data model as the child cell.  Since
> the majority of what it does is act as a cache for API requests, it does not
> need all the data that a cell needs and what data it does need could be
> stored in a form that's optimized for reads.
> Thoughts?
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