Hi Greg KH,
>What specific problems with "backward-compatibility" do you see on Linux
today?  Where are you having problems that you see needs to be solved.
Specifics please.

I'm happy that one of the best is listening :)

OK: my own experience: I took tuxracer.RPM from Mandrake Linux 9.2 to
Mandrake Linux 10.1 (one year difference) and it crashed on start.
Unfortunately, I haven't done any stracing/debugging to get more
facts, because it was a looong time ago.

But then again, if some commercial company release app XYZ based on
Qt1, it is very unlikely to run on modern Linux systems.

Additionally, I have worked with the "klik" package management team
and we had two goals: achieve cross-Linux compatibility of our
packages, and provide one-click install (something that 10.3 does, but
very differently from klik). We (klik team) achieved one-click install
goal fully, but the cross-Linux compatibility is flaky at best (very
alpha stage).
The project received much testing from openSUSE/Debian/Ubuntu
community, so there you get good stability (>90% apps run), while on
RedHat/Fedora we only achieved about <30% working apps. We can't
really blame Fedora for this, it's just every distro is different and
sometimes, a small difference such as a symlink makes a difference
between a running app and a crashing app. ( libpcap.so ->
libpcap.so.0.94), plus we haven't developers on Fedora systems.

LSB doesn't specifies symlinks for libraries, yet.


Mostly we battled different versions of libstdc++, without good
results. More info:

Kernel Module/Driver ABI insanity:

Not to speak about kernel modules (drivers), which break with every
nano-upgrade of one-line of Linux code. While drivers ABI isn't very
stable on Windows too, you have still very high chances, that a binary
driver written for Windows 2000 kernel will run on Windows XP/2003
kernels, unmodified. Those LKMs are used quite frequently inside
"normal" applications by-the-way. VirtualBox, Nero ImageDrive, and
Incentives Pro USB-over-IP are such examples. BTW: LSB doesn't have
specs for LKMs too.

I know, that those problems are nearly impossible to fix, but easing
them will already help me a lot. For example, if LKM were compatible
for all Linux kernel's first three numbers. That is: LKM compiled for
Linux should work on all Linux 2.6.18.x series, not break
between  to-> versions, that are downloaded via
online-updates. This will be huge step forward, as it will ensure
drivers compatibility at least within one specific distro.
Theoretically, I have heard about kernel version "magic", but it never
worked for me.

-Alexey Eremenko "Technologov"
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