Am 24.01.15 um 18:04 schrieb Vasily Kulikov:
> This patch adds support for using certificates stored in the Mac OSX
> Keychain to authenticate with the OpenVPN server.  This works with
> certificates stored on the computer as well as certificates on hardware
> tokens that support Apple's tokend interface.
> This patch version implements management client which handles RSA-SIGN
> command for RSA offloading.  Also it handles new 'NEED-CERTIFICATE'
> request to pass a certificate from the keychain to OpenVPN.
> OpenVPN itself gets new 'NEED-CERTIFICATE" command which is called when
> --management-external-cert is used.  It is implemented as a multiline
> command very similar to an existing 'RSA-SIGN' command.
> The patch is against commit 3341a98c2852d1d0c1eafdc70a3bdb218ec29049.
ACK from me to the OpenVPN part. I also tested the patch in OpenVPN for
Android and the RSA-SIGN still works as expected. I have not reviewed
the OS X contrib program (other than a quick glance at the code) but I
think marking it as contrib it should be allowed to be still included.


Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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