
A thought: why not split this patch into two:

(i) extend PK_SIGN to optionally signal ALG (signalled only if
client_version > 2). Include all the changes to rsa_priv_enc()
etc to to handle PSS sign requests from OpenSSL 1.1.1.

If client version is <= 2 continue to use PK_SIGN as before
provided the signature required is PKCS1 for RSA or ECDSA.
Else error out manage.c.

This ensures backward compat to the extent possible.

(ii) Amend management-external-key to take an additional option
and do whatever one can do with it for an early error report.

Anyway, my suggestion is not even bother with (ii) but this way we
can quickly get (i) finalized.

Unless you already decided to drop (ii) :)

Only downside (or upside depending on your pov) to this is
once (i) is merged in we will start including ALG in PK_SIGN
for new clients (version 3+) so if merging (ii), that should happen
before a subsequent release.

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