
Please allow me to back up a moment and restate this:
1.  I installed the beta3 msi from the web site logged in as a user that has 
admin privileges.  But no elevation was used to install it, just double-click 
on the file. 
2.  I only used the GUI as installed, with no elevation, to start OpenVPN. 
3.  With TAP selected in my .ovpn config file, everything works normally. 
4.  I am reporting that (from the same login) if I change the .ovpn to use 
wintun (all edits done through the GUI selection), it fails with the error I 
showed below. 

Is 4. what you are saying is not supported?  In our use, as we have done for 
the past decade, the client boxes are used for M2M monitoring.  OpenVPN has to 
connect on bootup (.ovpn config file contains inline certificates) regardless 
if there is a user logged in or not as M2M monitoring occurs in the background. 
 And if a user does login, most often it is with credentials that have admin 
privileges.  I am trying to understand if what you’re telling me is that this 
will no longer work, or if we will need to do something different now?  My 
testing used the GUI to see how things will work with wintun so we can continue 

Do I need to NOT use the GUI to get wintun to work?  


> On Sep 9, 2020, at 9:56 PM, Selva Nair <> wrote:
> Hi,
>> On Thu, Sep 10, 2020 at 12:19 AM Marvin <> wrote:
>> Hi Selva,
>>> The GUI did not have this error unless run as administrator which you 
>>> should not and will never work.   
>> So you are saying that if OpenVPN is installed by a user who has admin 
>> privileges (as our case does) that v2.5 with wintun will not work?
> You mean OpenVPN started using the GUI? If so, no, I'm not saying that. The 
> GUI just works even with beta1 or with beta3. On Windows user's processes run 
> with limited privileges even if the user is an "admin". At least that is the 
> default because of UAC. 
> Installation can be done when logged in as admin or as a limited user 
> (provided you know admin credentials) as the installer prompts for elevation 
> as required. 
> That qualifier I added was because: the GUI running with privileges (admin) 
> has been discouraged in 2.4 ever since we introduced the interactive service. 
> And that continues with 2.5. It will work for some things and not for some 
> other things. Same with running the GUI with interactive service disabled. As 
> such uses are not supported, don't complain about it :)
> Selva
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