On 20/05/21 23:12, tincantech wrote:
So, why switch to .pem when it has never been used before by openvpn?
If you are all happy to let it go that way then so-be-it,
Hopefully this clarifies things:

-   the default output format of OpenSSL is PEM-encoded ; openssl uses the
     default extension .pem

-   the OpenVPN .crt and .key files are ALSO PEM-encoded by default, but
     they've just been named differently by the easy-rsa tools to ensure that
     the files can be easily loaded on Windows

-   FTR: nearly all webservers I have ever seen are configured to use a
     hostcert.pem and hostkey.pem and my guess is that there are (still)
     more  Linux-based webservers out there than OpenVPN clients and servers.

     Having said that, I do agree that after using .crt/.key files left and
     right (to accomodate Windows users) for over 15 years, it does seem
     confusing to start using files named .pem for peer-fingerprinting all
     of  sudden. On the other hand, with peer-fingerprinting you don't
     HAVE a .crt file (at least, you don't need one, technically) but only
     a .key file. So choosing a different extension for peer-fingerprinting
     does have its merits.
FTR: Openvpn still exchanges the full certificates in peer-fingerprint mode.

meh ... I guess it was easier to implement it that way at the TLS level...

IMO that does add a "+1" to using .crt/.key  extensions - otherwise it might confuse the heck out of end users (like overwriting the private key with the public cert etc ... ) How do the examples distinguish between the cert and the private key in this case then?


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