GD> Hi,

GD> On Wed, Feb 24, 2016 at 01:32:40PM -0800, Gregory Sloop wrote:
>> The error I keep getting in the logs, follows. [Repeats endlessly.]
>> ---
>> Wed Feb 24 13:13:53 2016 TCP: connect to [AF_INET]xx.xx.xx.151:1194 failed, 
>> will try again in 5 seconds: The system tried to join a drive to a directory 
>> on a joined drive.  

GD> Fixed in 2.3.11 :-)

GD> (No, we do not have a release date yet - "soonish")

GD> This is a windows error number <-> string mapping issue - the real error
GD> is "connection timed out".
Oh. good. It's nice it's getting fixed. Usually things don't make sense because 
I was huffing glue. That probably would have made more sense if I HAD been 
doing so. :)

>> [And please don't suggest TUN instead of TAP. Not an option. Same with TCP 
>> etc.]

GD> While very obviously not relevant, TUN usually *is* the better choice :-)

TUN would be great if Mikrotik would produce non-brain dead, non-POS OpenVPN 
implementations. But until they do, TAP is what we get. Along with TCP only. 
[And don't ask Mikrotik about it, they'll just claim you're ugly and your mama 
dresses you funny, to distract from their core incompetency.]

Thanks again!
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