Hello Alexander,

20.01.2012 13:01, Alexander Gordeev:

IMO a separate repository (or adoption into staging) would be better
because there are too many interested parties and also the main dwc-otg
development happens not in openwrt.

Where does it happen?

I've actually got a feeling that in fact no real development is now happening, but rather some manufacturers and interested users make their copies (of basically the same thing), reformat tabs and whitespace all over 200k lines of code as they feel cool, then in some cases introduce several random 3-line additions/fixes in order to make their specific device just do what they need at the moment... and finally (sometimes) publish this as "new shining" version. Now this is NOT a development, IMHO. I'd be happy if you prove me wrong however.

The only excuse I'd see for creating yet another repository is if it appears too hard (or too long) to get stuff accepted to openwrt (AFAICS openwrt maintainers are somewhat overburdened already, but no idea how much really)

Thank you.
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