On Sa, Jan 23, 2021 at 07:25, Alberto Bursi <bobafetthotm...@gmail.com> wrote:

On 22/01/21 20:03, Daniel Golle wrote:
Hi Philip,

On Fri, Jan 22, 2021 at 11:23:42AM -0700, Philip Prindeville wrote:

Is anyone interested in adding a page to the openwrt.org site about developers willing to do commercial work?

It could be as simple as:

* name
* email address
* mobile (if wanted)
* packages/platforms/architectures you maintain or have competence in * whether you're available full-time, part-time, or currently unavailable

Might be useful for matching up devs with work.

While I like the idea and would probably benefit from it myself, I'm
a bit sceptical when it comes to making OpenWrt.org an institution
certifying developers. Too much trouble was caused over having
'@openwrt.org' addresses and I doubt we are able to handle the
moderation needs (think: classic fraud, fishing, ...) of such a thing
if it is even a wiki, ie. free to edit for all.

the site/wiki has user-restricted pages already (the front page, the releases page and personal developer pages I think, probably more) because otherwise it would be a field day for spambots. So this would not be a "free to edit for all", and more of a "ask a wiki admin to add your data to the page". I and Tmomas won't be able to do a through vetting process on anybody, but we are more than enough to stop basic spammers and such, and can also respond to complaints and remove somebody in case issues arise later. I'm also thinking about having some rules of thumb to limit access to people that have actually been involved in OpenWrt for a bit and can prove it (some relevant commits, some useful mail in the list, a core developer vouching for them, whatever).


I'm generally pro this but before this gets implemented (and after sufficiently discussed) please start a vote.

Things like a wiki with only volunteer moderation somehow work because
there is little to no commercial interest in manipulation and it is
usually easy to recognize (ie. classic spam). In the moment that we
change that, we have to be prepared to also face a different quality
of manipulation attempts.

Just my 2 cents...

Just an idea to help our community prosper.



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