On Sat, Jan 23, 2021 at 02:55:05PM +0000, Ted Hess wrote:
> [T]here must be some sort of criteria (contributions, legitimate
> business site or references) to get your name/outfit listed. And, as
> Daniel said, we don't want to be in the business of certifying
> contractors.

Those two sentences seem to be slightly contradictory ;)

Anyway, an alternative approach to the whole question of how to connect
potential clients and contractors would be a mailing list, e.g.:
openwrt-j...@openwrt.org .

This would be a place for potential *clients/employers* to post
jobs/tenders (to which potential contractors/employees could then reply
on- or off-list).

It would therefore place responsibility for establishing the credentials
of the would-be employee or contractor entirely onto the potential
employer or client, rather than onto the OpenWRT project.

I.e. it is an inversion of the wiki page idea.

I suggest that if a vote is held, it should be a three-way vote between
the following outcomes (which should probably be mutually exclusive):

- OpenWRT Jobs wiki page;

- openwrt-jobs mailing list;

- Do nothing.


P.S.  I don't have an opinion on whether such a vote should be under
FPTP or AV or Condorcet or some other voting method.  For reference, I
think Debian uses "Condorcet/Clone Proof SSD":
https://www.debian.org/vote/2003/vote_0002 .

A: When it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: When is top-posting a bad thing?

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