On 11/19/14 16:10, Andreas Lauser wrote:

On Wednesday, November 19, 2014 16:16:02 wireless wrote:
On 11/19/14 14:28, Andreas Lauser wrote:
I fully agree: For developers it is much better to keep things that are
doing different things separately and users are better served by `apt-get
install opm` (or whatever the equivalent of this is on Your Favorite
Distribution/OS (TM)).

Huh?  On gentoo I have these modules:

maybe. but some distributions have the concept of meta packages which pull in
everything. (at least debian and openSUSE have them, openSUSE calls them
"Patterns" if I'm not mistaken.)

Gentoo supports those to, as dependency packages. The master package call them for download, flags are passed. The dependent packages are built as guided by the flags set for the master and bingo. They are installed before the master packages is. That's what portage on gentoo does, it "architects" the dependency hell solution, before a single bit of code is compiled. Dont like portage, not a problem. A gentoo dev developed another fantastic package manager call 'paludis' [1].

 If you build A and it
requires B, C and D, then they are auto-magially pulled in. Standard i.e. NO BIG DEAL.

What you currently have is what professional software developers call
"a kludge".
welcome to real life ;) (That's also a kludge, BTW. Starting at the DNA

Huh? DNA complexities pretty much put a bullet into the central concepts of Darwin. You need to get up to speed on modern genetics. Many
medical school have stop even teaching evolution due to the vast numbers
of holes, the deeper and smaller one looks at the organics of life.

Not really at all, for believers. The struggle is what is important, as
all things are designed, supernaturally and fit together as they should,
with biology and physics, making the time-dependent interactions, very interesting if not infinite. *choice* is the true mantra of the believer and it is what we all struggle with. After all the natural world uses a "super-natural" event as it's stated starting point (big_bang).

I'm putting together a usb image. Hopefully folks will be able to download, build, save and have a gentoo system right on the USB stick. It will boot gentoo and allow downloads and compilations. So Ill move the "OPM ebuilds" so the can be downloaded and built. Albeit they are not finished as describe previously.

Once folks witness the coolness of Gentoo, dude, it's very, very hard to
go back to transient and broken and  old and crusted binaries.

Technical folks love gentoo. So hold tightly to your prejudices; your world will be rocked by gentoo..... as soon as I can get the usb image

[1] http://paludis.exherbo.org/



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