Hi there,

I have some quick comments on this draft:

1. There is a typo in section 1
“Another factor which drive this work is that tThe network
architectures are rapidly changing with the migration toward private
and public clouds.”


2. In section 1, you have 
"A series of use cases are defined in "Use Case Draft"."

But there is no reference to these use cases. 
Or how about use a section to include the use case within this draft?

3. In section 3, " 1) CASM Application "

The figure 1 shows several CASM Applications. It's better to clarify how these 
applications may act differently.
If only for different users, based on the reading of this part, it's better to 
have just one "CASM Client" in the figure. 

4. In section 3, "2) CASM Coordinator"

Figure 1 shows two components "pool management" and "address management". It's 
better to clarify these two functional components in this section.

5. In section 4, in the first procedure, how about enabling the operators to 
indicate the address allocation policies or so?

6. In section 5, it's better to address how the required interfaces can map to 
the "pool management", "address management" and "address database" as in the 
CASM Coordinator.

7. Section 6. What's the relationship between this use case and the mentioned 
use cases in section 1?


From: lichen....@chinatelecom.cn [mailto:lichen....@chinatelecom.cn] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2018 10:31 AM
To: opsawg <opsawg@ietf.org>
Cc: lichen.bri <lichen....@chinatelecom.cn>; Tianran Zhou 
<zhoutian...@huawei.com>; xiechf.bri <xiechf....@chinatelecom.cn>
Subject: 转发: New Version Notification for 

Hi all,
We have updated the new version of I-D, 
draft-li-opsawg-address-pool-management-arch-01.txt, the revision was made 
based on the comments raised in London meeting, 
Telecom Italia also provided a new use case afterwards, which was also included 
in this new draft.

Here is the  link of the draft .  wish for your comments, Thanks.

Best Regards,

Chen Li

Chen  Li
Network Evolution and Planning Center
Network Technology & Planning Department
China Telecom Corporation Limited Beijing Research Institute
Tel: +86-10-50902891
Mobile: +86-18910853955
发件人: lichen....@chinatelecom.cn
发送时间: 2018-07-03 10:05
收件人: casm
抄送: lichen.bri; zhoutianran; jclarke; xiechf.bri; 孙雪媛
主题: New Version Notification for draft-li-opsawg-address-pool-management-arch-01
Hi all,
We have updated the new version of I-D, 
draft-li-opsawg-address-pool-management-arch-01.txt, the revision was made 
based on the comments raised in London meeting, 
Telecom Italia also provided a new use case afterwards, which was also included 
in this new draft.

Here is the  link of the draft .  wish for your comments, Thanks.

Best Regards,

Chen Li

Chen  Li
Network Evolution and Planning Center
Network Technology & Planning Department
China Telecom Corporation Limited Beijing Research Institute
Tel: +86-10-50902891
Mobile: +86-18910853955
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