On 3/9/22 11:13, Jean Quilbeuf wrote:
> Hi Joe,
> Thanks for your comments.
>> First, what is the purpose of assurance-graph-version?  It's a 32-bit 
>> counter that can increment when something goes in and out of maintenance 
>> (+2).  I can easily see this wrapping fir services with a lot of churn.  
>> What is the impact of that?  Is this version number required if we have a 
>> last modified timestamp?
> The purpose of assurance-graph-version is to enable  a consumer of this 
> module to quickly check if they have the last version. It probably makes 
> sense to use a larger counter. I'll modify it.

How does it do that.  If I get a version of 324523457273456, how do I
know that's the latest?  It seems to me the date is as useful as that
number.  I still don't _know_ I have the latest version, but I can be
more confident if I have one from a couple of seconds ago, it's recent.

>> Second, is it intended that health-score-weight of all symptoms' health 
>> score weights for a given subservice add to 100?  If so, that is not clearly 
>> stated.  I guess I'm wondering what this might look like in practice if I 
>> have a degraded subservice with health 50 and two symptoms of weight 10 and 
>> 20 respectively.  Obviously, I would look at weight 20 first, but I might 
>> then wonder if something unseen is also affecting my subservice.
> For now,  the relation between symptoms weights (health-score-weight) and 
> health score is that a health score that is not optimal must be explained by 
> at least one symptom with a weight greater than 0. 
> It's also stated that the weight of the symptom is the impact incurred on the 
> health score when the symptom is present, without précising what "incurred" 
> means. 
> To state think more clearly, we could define the health score as a function 
> of the symptom weights, for instance health-score = max(0, 100 - 
> sum(symptoms/health-score-weight)), but I am not sure that such a function is 
> generic enough to be part of the draft.

Understood.  Though this might make could implementor considerations as
potential ways to do this.

> The advantage of the current version is that we state that there is a 
> relationship between the symptoms weights and the subservice health score, 
> but we don't enforce the exact relation. We can also sort the symptoms by 
> weight to know the most impacting one.
> What do you think about adding the example above and stating that the 
> relationship between the symptoms weights and the final health score is left 
> to the implementation of the agent? Would that make things clearer?

Yes.  Offering some insight into how to best implement and then make use
of this would be much appreciated.


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