
Henk, just submitted a draft-ietf-opsawg-oam-characterization-00 unchanged 
(except for filename and version) from the individual -03.

After approved, happy to submit a 01 with all the wg discussion captured and 



> On May 10, 2024, at 9:08β€―AM, Henk Birkholz <henk.birkholz@ietf.contact> wrote:
> FYI, I found the I-D Action notif. My intricate web of shiny sieve filters is 
> to blame (which unfortunately inhibits me from shifting blame from me to 
> mailman anymore. Mailman is fine).
> On 10.05.24 15:03, Henk Birkholz wrote:
>> Oh I see, DT tells me it is at -05 already.
>> Well, there was no notification on i-d-annou...@ietf.org AFAICS (but there 
>> were some mailman transition snafus recently, so I'll just account that 
>> under the German expression "tja"). I'd have commented on a -04 submission, 
>> if I would have seen an email.
>> Nothing to worry about, though, and no need to hassle already busy 
>> Secretariat with that. Just submit -03 as the new -00 and replay the diff 
>> between -03 to -05 as a new diff from -00 to 01 and we are good.
>> As Joe just highlighted, any pending submission of 
>> draft-ietf-opsawg-oam-characterization-00 can be canceled - and I just did 
>> that. So you are good to go.
>> Viele Grüße,
>> Henk
>> On 10.05.24 14:46, Adrian Farrel wrote:
>>> Hmmm, did Carlos jump the gun? Don't you hate enthusiastic people?
>>> If so, do you want us to undo the changes? Options would be:
>>> - Ask the Secretariat to unpost the latest revision
>>> - Post a change-back version of the draft
>>> Alternative is that "we" suck it up.
>>> - You post email to say, all changes made addressed only the adoption poll 
>>> comments
>>> - You accept the adoption and we follow up per Carlos' plan
>>> Let us know.
>>> Cheers,
>>> A
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Henk Birkholz <henk.birkholz@ietf.contact>
>>> Sent: 10 May 2024 13:43
>>> To: Carlos Pignataro <cpign...@gmail.com>; adr...@olddog.co.uk
>>> Cc: OPSAWG <opsawg@ietf.org>
>>> Subject: Re: [OPSAWG]Re: πŸ”” WG Adoption Call for 
>>> draft-pignataro-opsawg-oam-whaaat-question-mark-03
>>> Hi Carlos,
>>> hi Adrian,
>>> please do it the other way around ☺️
>>> The chairs ask the authors to first rename
>>> draft-pignataro-opsawg-oam-whaaat-question-mark-03 to
>>> draft-ietf-opsawg-oam-characterization-00, keeping the content as is,
>>> and resubmit. And then post a -01 that addresses all discussion so far,
>>> as these represent WG feedback already.
>>> For the OPSAWG co-chairs,
>>> Henk
>>> On 09.05.24 03:08, Carlos Pignataro wrote:
>>>> Thank you, Henk, for the descriptive and thorough wrap of this adoption
>>>> call.
>>>> Like Adrian, I'm also inclined to align with your conclusions, including:
>>>>    * "draft-ietf-opsawg-oam-characterization" WFM -- even when it is much
>>>>      _less_ expressive than the original, IMO ;-)
>>>>    * As the other one of the editors, ofc more than happy to commit to,
>>>>      seek, and follow the WG on the 'pro-active alignment'.
>>>>      (understanding we are at a starting point in which the relevant
>>>>      lexicon is 'reactively misaligned', or otherwise we would not need
>>>>      this draft.)
>>>> Net-net: All sounds good with thanks!
>>>> I can post a rev++ addressing all discussion thus far, and then an
>>>> unchanged draft-ietf-opsawg-...-00
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> Carlos.
>>>> On Wed, May 8, 2024 at 4:14β€―AM Adrian Farrel <adr...@olddog.co.uk
>>>> <mailto:adr...@olddog.co.uk>> wrote:
>>>>      Thanks Henk,
>>>>      Apologies for the fatuous original name of this draft (but it worked
>>>>      to get everyone's attention ;-)
>>>>      - Yes, your suggested new name works for me.
>>>>      - Since you ask, as one of the editors, I commit to a "pro-active
>>>>      alignment", making changes as requested by the WG, and paying
>>>>      attention to any sources of similar terminology pointed out to us.
>>>>      Ciao,
>>>>      Adrian
>>>>      -----Original Message-----
>>>>      From: Henk Birkholz <henk.birkholz@ietf.contact>
>>>>      Sent: 08 May 2024 08:50
>>>>      To: OPSAWG <opsawg@ietf.org <mailto:opsawg@ietf.org>>
>>>>      Subject: [OPSAWG]Re: πŸ”” WG Adoption Call for
>>>>      draft-pignataro-opsawg-oam-whaaat-question-mark-03
>>>>      Dear OPSAWG members,
>>>>      this email concludes the 1st call for Working Group Adoption for
>>>>      draft-pignataro-opsawg-oam-whaaat-question-mark-03.
>>>>      We received a healthy number of replies, including a good discussion
>>>>      about "yet another set of terminology" and its intrinsic
>>>>      usefulness/feasibility in the IETF. A good example reflecting the
>>>>      overall discussion is the existing terminology established in the
>>>>      DetNet
>>>>      WG and published in RFC 9551.
>>>>      The chairs discussed the inputs and comments and believe this work
>>>>      to be
>>>>      feasible to be adopted as a working group I-D. This believe includes
>>>>      the
>>>>      expectation that no inconsistencies are introduced by this work and 
>>>> the
>>>>      authors, editors, and contributors commit to a pro-active alignment
>>>>      (scope and relationship of terms and their use in the respective
>>>>      ecosystems) with other existing bodies of work that is brought to
>>>>      attention in OPSAWG or otherwise.
>>>>      Typically, we would now ask to rename and resubmit as is. Alas,
>>>>      there is
>>>>      the inconsistency between draft name and draft title. Some concern
>>>>      about
>>>>      that naming was raised during the WGLC. While the draft name was fine
>>>>      for the individual submission, the chairs tend to agree that a more
>>>>      expressive draft name would benefit the work. Could the authors please
>>>>      work with the WG to come up with a better draft name? We can kick this
>>>>      off with a proposal from chairs: how about
>>>>      draft-ietf-opsawg-oam-characterization? Please bash, so we can move
>>>>      forward. The chairs assume that this naming exercise can be resolved
>>>>      quickly.
>>>>      For the OPSAWG co-chairs,
>>>>      Henk
>>>>      On 10.04.24 13:05, Henk Birkholz wrote:
>>>>       > Dear OPSAWG members,
>>>>       >
>>>>       > this email starts a call for Working Group Adoption of
>>>>       >
>>>>       >>
>>>> https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-pignataro-opsawg-oam-whaaat-question-mark-03.html
>>>> <https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-pignataro-opsawg-oam-whaaat-question-mark-03.html>
>>>>       >
>>>>       > ending on Thursday, May 2nd.
>>>>       >
>>>>       > As a reminder, this I-D summarizes how the term "Operations,
>>>>       > Administration, and Maintenance" (OAM) is used currently &
>>>>      historically
>>>>       > in the IETF and intends to consolidate unambiguous and protocol
>>>>      agnostic
>>>>       > terminology for OAM. The summary includes descriptions of narrower
>>>>       > semantics introduced by added qualifications the term OAM and a
>>>>      list of
>>>>       > common capabilities that can be found in nodes processing OAM
>>>>      packets.
>>>>       >
>>>>       > The chairs acknowledge a positive poll result at IETF119, but
>>>>      there has
>>>>       > not been much discussion on the list yet. We would like to gather
>>>>       > feedback from the WG if there is interest to further contribute and
>>>>       > review. As a potential enabler for discussions, this call will last
>>>>       > three weeks.
>>>>       >
>>>>       > Please reply with your support and especially any substantive
>>>>      comments
>>>>       > you may have.
>>>>       >
>>>>       >
>>>>       > For the OPSAWG co-chairs,
>>>>       >
>>>>       > Henk
>>>>       >
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>>>>       > OPSAWG mailing list
>>>>       > OPSAWG@ietf.org <mailto:OPSAWG@ietf.org>
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