Title: RE: Creating sequences on the DUAL table?

Sequences are DB objects independent of any tables including dual (not
possible to create a sequence "on" a table.  Sequences are sometimes used
to populate the PK of a table, but the actual sequence and the table are
not structurally related. 

Such as:

SQL> create sequence myseq;

Sequence created.

Then, often developers will use the dual table when grabbing the next value from
the sequence.

SQL> select myseq.nextval from dual;

better to do this...insert into table1(id,name) values(myseq.nextval,'FName');

Check out the info in the docs on Sequences, maybe the concepts part would be a
good start.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2002 1:54 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Subject: Creating sequences on the DUAL table?

I have a request from one of our developers to create two new sequences on
the DUAL table.

This seems like a bad idea to me.   I've never had such a request in the
past.   I asked for clarification on why this is needed and I didn't get a
lot of details yet.

Is this something that is standard operating procedure?   My understanding
that interfacing with the DUAL table is usually inviting poor performance.
Plus, I don't like to mess around with system tables, in general.

Under what circumstances would it be justified to create sequences on the
DUAL table?   Should I just flat-out refuse this request and if so, why?


Cherie Machler
Oracle DBA
Gelco Information Network

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