Hello Doug,

Could you please propose to the mailing list list a subset of interesting
headers from the LPI 101 cursus.
For example, a good basis can be a subset of the contents from this wikibook:

Best regards,


I copy the contents below:

1 Section Overview
2 Unix and Linux
2.1 Overview
2.1.1 Unix and Linux
2.1.2 Logging In and Out
2.1.3 Password
2.1.4 User information
2.1.5 Group information
2.1.6 Misc. Commands
2.1.7 Shell
2.2 Exercises
3 Work on the command line
3.1 Overview
3.2 Command line
3.3 Shells and Bash
3.4 Shell variables
3.4.1 Man pages
3.5 Exercises
4 Process text streams using filters
4.1 Overview
4.2 Pattern matching and wildcards
4.3 Shell and wildcards
4.4 Quoting and Comments
4.4.1 Quoting
4.5 Concatenate files
4.6 View the begining and the end of a file
4.7 Numbering file lines
4.8 Counting items in a file
4.9 Cutting fields in files
4.10 Characters conversion
4.11 Lines manipulation
4.12 Formatting for printing
4.13 Sort lines of text files
4.14 Binary file dump
4.15 Exercises
5 Perform basic file management
5.1 Overview
5.2 Create and Remove directories
5.3 Copy files and directories
5.4 Move & Rename files
5.5 Listing filenames and information
5.6 File types
5.7 Creating and using filenames
5.8 Remove files or directories
5.9 Locating files in a subtree directory
5.10 Exercises
6 Use streams, pipes, and redirects
6.1 Overview
6.2 Standard input and standard output
6.3 Exercises
7 Create, monitor, and kill processes
7.1 Overview
7.2 Create processes
7.3 Monitor processes
7.4 Kill processes
7.5 Exercises
8 Modify process execution priorities
8.1 Overview
8.2 Priorities
8.3 Exercises
9 Regular Expression
9.1 Overview
9.2 Pattern matching
9.3 grep
9.4 sed
9.5 Exercises
10 Perform basic file editing using vi
10.1 Overview
10.2 vi
10.3 Exercices

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