
I have rebuilt the emacspeak 26.0 package with the issue fixed, if you are interested in, some details are copied below [1]. Please note that several lines must be typed and so the process is error prone. Sorry for this.

If this process is too confusing, please indicate it.

Another option would be to build a recent version of emacspeak.

Best regards,


# 1. Update your ~/.bashrc file with these variables

export EMACSPEAK_DIR=/usr/share/emacs21/site-lisp/emacspeak/
export ECIINI=/var/opt/IBM/ibmtts/cfg/eci.ini
export DTK_PROGRAM=outloud

# 2. download the package emacspeak_26.0-3voxin1_all.deb in your voxin directory (where voxin-instaler.sh is)
# For example

cd voxin-0.17
cd voxin-enu-0.17

wget http://soft.oralux.net/emacspeak/Hardy/emacspeak_26.0-3voxin1_all.deb

sudo apt-get remove emacspeak
sudo dpkg -i emacspeak_26.0-3voxin1_all.deb

source ~/.bashrc
sudo -E ./voxin-installer.sh

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