Hi guys,

Ok, it's correct, it "kind of" works because of some internal corner cases,
but it's definitely a dirty work around :-D
Anyway, I'll fix the main problem in next days



2016-10-13 7:37 GMT+02:00 <borov...@gmail.com>:

> Hi Oleksandr,
> Interesting, I think it is similar or related to that issue of 5703. When
> I wrapped the whole string into `` characters it worked, or kind of worked.
> Check this out:
> orientdb {db=Tetraop}> update #25:0 remove `settings.leads.TempLead.
> overrideProperties[0]`
> Updated record(s) '1' in 0.001000 sec(s).
> orientdb {db=Tetraop}> select settings.leads.TempLead.overrideProperties
> from #25:0
> +----+------------------------------------+
> |#   |settings                            |
> +----+------------------------------------+
> |0   |[PropertyOverride{customValues:[1]}]|
> +----+------------------------------------+
> It appears as it removed the record, but when I did a select, the record
> is still there. That's false positive
> orientdb {db=Tetraop}> update #25:0 remove 
> `settings.leads.TempLead.overrideProperties`
> = settings.leads.TempLead.overrideProperties[0]
> Updated record(s) '1' in 0.002000 sec(s).
> orientdb {db=Tetraop}> select settings.leads.TempLead.overrideProperties
> from #25:0                               +----+--------+
> |#   |settings|
> +----+--------+
> |0   |[]      |
> +----+--------+
> Now it removed the record and the list is empty. This behavior raises 3
> questions:
>    1. Why do we need to use `` if this issues seemed to be fixed in the
>    issue 5703
>    2. Is the first way a legit way to remove list items? If so, why did
>    it give false positive?
>    3. What is the right and bullet proof way to remove embedded list
>    items?
> For your previous request, this is how I did the insert:
> update #25:0 add settings.leads.TempLead.overrideProperties =
> {"@type":"d", "@class":"PropertyOverride", 
> "standardProperty":"utilityCompany",
> "customProperty":"utilityProvider"}
> Thanks for looking into this.
> On Wednesday, October 12, 2016 at 9:21:25 AM UTC-7, Oleksandr Gubchenko
> wrote:
>> Is this issue similar to your case? Can you confirm?
>> https://github.com/orientechnologies/orientdb/issues/5703
>> Il giorno mercoledì 12 ottobre 2016 18:16:28 UTC+2, Oleksandr Gubchenko
>> ha scritto:
>>> Can you add an insert that you are using to originally create the #25:0 ?
>>> Thanks.
>>> Il giorno mercoledì 12 ottobre 2016 17:47:25 UTC+2, boro...@gmail.com
>>> ha scritto:
>>>> Hi Michela, here are the schemas starting from the most inner class and
>>>> up all the way to account.
>>>> // Property Override
>>>> create class PropertyOverride extends V
>>>> create property PropertyOverride.standardProperty STRING (NOTNULL TRUE)
>>>> create property PropertyOverride.customProperty STRING (NOTNULL TRUE)
>>>> create property PropertyOverride.customValues EMBEDDEDMAP STRING
>>>> // Class Override
>>>> create class LeadClass extends V
>>>> create property LeadClass.template STRING (NOTNULL TRUE)
>>>> create property LeadClass.booleanTrue STRING (NOTNULL TRUE, COLLATE
>>>> "ci")
>>>> create property LeadClass.booleanFalse STRING (NOTNULL TRUE, COLLATE
>>>> "ci")
>>>> create property LeadClass.dateFormat STRING (NOTNULL TRUE, COLLATE "ci")
>>>> create property LeadClass.timestampFormat STRING (NOTNULL TRUE, COLLATE
>>>> "ci")
>>>> create property LeadClass.overrideProperties EMBEDDEDLIST
>>>> PropertyOverride (NOTNULL TRUE)
>>>> // Account Settings
>>>> create class AccountSettings extends V
>>>> create property AccountSettings.leads EMBEDDEDMAP LeadClass
>>>> // Account
>>>> create class Account extends V
>>>> create property Account.id INTEGER (DEFAULT
>>>> "sequence('accountId').next()", READONLY TRUE)
>>>> create property Account.created DATETIME (DEFAULT "sysdate()", READONLY
>>>> TRUE)
>>>> create property Account.active BOOLEAN (NOTNULL TRUE, DEFAULT FALSE)
>>>> create property Account.company STRING (NOTNULL TRUE, MANDATORY TRUE,
>>>> MIN 2, MAX 50, COLLATE "ci")
>>>> create property Account.settings EMBEDDED AccountSettings
>>>> The #25:0 (in the original post) is the actual Account record. What I'm
>>>> trying to do is to simply add/remove PropertyOverride embedded classes to
>>>> the LeadClass.overrideProperties embedded list in the LeadClass. I
>>>> could add it easy as mentioned before, but when I tried to remove it I ran
>>>> into exceptions. All is done in the terminal. Thanks for helping to figure
>>>> it out.
>>>> On Tuesday, October 11, 2016 at 11:35:08 PM UTC-7, user.w...@gmail.com
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> can you post you schema? I don't understand very well your structure.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Michela
>>>> --
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