It's not possible.
See official 
Schema limitations:
- In case a node in Neo4j has multiple Labels, it will be imported into a 
single OrientDB Class ("MultipleLabelNeo4jConversion").
 -- Note that the information about the original set of Labels is not lost 
but stored into an internal property of the imported vertex 
("Neo4jLabelList"). As a result it will be possible to query nodes with a 
specific Neo4j Label. Note also that the nodes imported into the single 
class "MultipleLabelNeo4jConversion" can then be moved to other Classes, 
according to your specific needs, using the MOVE VERTEX command.
- Neo4j Nodes with same Label but different case, e.g. LABEL and LAbel will 
be aggregated into a single OrientDB vertex Class.


Il giorno lunedì 19 dicembre 2016 20:13:12 UTC+1, Gregory Mace ha scritto:
> I've imported several millions of records from Neo4j.  They all came over, 
> but the class type is not what I wanted them to be. I have some questions:
> 1. can orientdb represent Vertexes similar to Neo4j in terms of supporting 
> multiple Labels on a Vertex.  If so, how?
> 2. how can I bulk change the classes of records ( Vertexes ) that I 
> imported from Neo4j?
> 3. Is there a way to pre-define how I want an import to assign classes?


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