Susan Schoen asked:  Would you consider scoring the paper "cheating" - like using 
scissors, tape and/or glue?"
On 17/1/2013 7:27 AM, Hank Simon wrote:

I believe that Robert Lang recommends that you score Spring Into Action before trying to fold it. And, in a different place, I think that he had used a laser to score a crease pattern of a complex model. - Hank Simon

Eric Joisel used to score quite extensively in the production of his work, and Satoshi Kamiya applies g**e liberally to the insides/undersides of many of his pieces.

Certain expects of "cheating" in origami seems to be less frowned on now, in my opinion. With the use of MC, varnish, tweezers, creasing tools, etc more used now, why not scoring tools and g**e.

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