The discussion of "cheating" reminds me of similar discussions about
poetry and forms. Is it cheating to write a sonnet that doesn't adhere
to the traditional form? Some say yes and are devoted to those forms;
others are interested in expanding the form, toying with and teasing
it, and creating new things that the traditionalists might not even
recognize as being a sonnet at all.

The interesting question is how far one can go before starting to
think that they are engaged in a different art form...after all, at
some point one could decide that expanding origami form could include
making cuts (and I suppose some do already). What are the base
requirements to call something origami? Or a sonnet?

I go back and forth (I can contain multitudes too): sometimes I feel
like devoting my time to being a traditionalist...other times I feel
like playing and making in a different way. I don't consider either to
be an insult to anyone or the art itself. It's all good.

Chris Lott <>

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