I received a very quick response from Karl Avedal on me previous posting.
It looks like their mail doesn't get through to our mailserver since they
switched servers early january.

We are again in contact and I'm very much relieved about that.

Hopefully, we can resolve our problems quickly now.

Ate Douma.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Douma, Ate 
> Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 11:24 AM
> To: 'Orion-Interest'
> Subject: Impossible getting the attention of the orion (support) team.
> Are they still around?
> Hello all,
> I've been trying for weeks now getting any response from the 
> orion team to no avail.
> First of all, I wanted to post a serious problem in Bugzilla 
> but for that I need a account password.
> I've tried and tried, but never ever received a password 
> after creating a new account or after requesting the account 
> password to be send again.
> Then I tried sending a message directly to orion support. No response.
> Then I posted my problem to this list 
> 09692.html (Serious problem with Orion transaction 
> processing: multiple connections used within a single 
> transaction) februari 13, 2001, including a test case.
> I mailed this problem again to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> februari 19, 2001. No response.
> I mailed Magnus Stenman directly on februari 27 explaining 
> these problems and requesting access to Bugzilla. No response.
> I'm not clear what options are left, but we are seriously 
> considering other application servers right now as this kind 
> of support is really not acceptable in the long run. At least 
> a simple acknowledgment of the reception of the problem would 
> give us the idea that someone is actually monitoring 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailbox. It doesn't seems to be the 
> case right now.
> Having to switch to another application server is something I 
> really don't like.
> Overall I like the orion application server very much 
> (certainly for development).
> We consider the bug we encountered as very, very serious 
> which will have to be solved otherwise we just don't have 
> another option.
> The bad (non-existing?) support makes this truly serious.
> If anyone did have some contact with the orion team 
> (mailbased or otherwise) in the last month's I would be very 
> grateful to know how they did that.
> The same question I have for anyone how was able to create a 
> Bugzilla account recently.
> Lastly, somewhat less important: does anyone receive the 
> orion-interest maillist still directly to their mailbox?
> Since Januari 11, 2001, we didn't receive any mail anymore, 
> and can therefore only access the maillist at (re)Subscribing
again didn't help a bit, not even using new mailaccount.


| Ate Douma                          iWise B.V.             |
|                                    Hoofdstraat 2a-4a      |
| mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]          4941 DC Raamsdonksveer |
| Phone  ++31 (0)162 517167          The Netherlands        |
| Fax    ++31 (0)162 516872    |

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