Am I curious? Sure!

/me types for a bit...

Oh good, I just found out all I need to know. Or want to know. Or have a
right to know.

That's a double-edged quip- I talk to Karl all the time, really. Even if I
didn't, the point's made - it doesn't matter if I know who Karl is in order
for me to use his product. (And we all know Karl wrote most of Orion at any
rate, he and Elin.)

To address a more relevant point - you can certainly find times on OI when
the authors really do answer questions, usually correctly. However, they
have more important things to do - OI is a user forum, just like is. It's not their job to keep OI in line. (Unless we want
to subsidize them. Do you?)

On Mon, Apr 02, 2001 at 07:59:37AM -0500, Kemp Randy-W18971 wrote:
> But wouldn't you be just a bit curious to know more about Karl, or more
> importantly, who the founding members of Ironflare are?  I would.  If you
> go to visit the Resin site (, which is a commercial site,
> somewhere there is a blurb about Scott, the key architect.  And I have
> noticed that Scott is actively answering questions in the Resin mailing
> list, and Rickard and Marc are actively answering questions in the Jboss
> mailing list, both on a regular basic.
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Monday, April 02, 2001 5:40 AM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: Re: JBoss verses Orion
> Yes, the amount of charitable contributions made by the Orion team is of the
> highest importance to me, too. And whether they supported Bush or Gore in
> Florida. And whether their favorite color is blue - if it's not, then I HATE
> ORION! (And if it is, then why does their web site use red so much?)
> Technical issues are over-rated in technical fields, if you ask me.
> (On the other hand, I can think of a few VERY good reasons JBoss'
> performance was lower than Orion's - no explanation was made of the specific
> setup.)
> On Sat, Mar 31, 2001 at 09:37:31AM -0600, Kemp Randy-W18971 wrote:
> >  Orion is definitely ahead of Jboss technically, but Jboss has more people behind 
>it, as far as development and debugging goes.  With Jboss, you can get a profile of 
>the founders and board members.  It would be nice to have the same profile of some of 
>the Orion founders and developers, so we can know them a bit more personally.  Jboss 
>has the potential to catch up to Orion, given the number of people involved on the 
>project.  So Orion needs to keep in the technical groove, so to speak.  Remember the 
>story of the Turtle and the rabbit race?
> > 
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Fink, Paul
> > To: Orion-Interest
> > Sent: 3/30/01 2:52 PM
> > Subject: JBoss verses Orion
> > 
> > 
> > I ported our Orion application to JBoss. I love JBoss for
> > usability, documentation and support. Unfortunately our application is
> > very
> > performance dependent the JBoss version ran very slow. After playing
> > with
> > cache setting, etc. It seemed like the communications was the main
> > bottle
> > neck.
> > To test this I wrote a simple session bean with one get method that
> > returns
> > a Long.
> > 
> > The client looped 10,000 times calling the getter. The Orion version was
> > 6
> > times faster!
> > Other tests we ran had Orion running 4x faster.
> > 
> > It seems that JBoss certainly is performance limited.
> > 
> > I'm running on a 900 MHz PIII under Linux with Sun's JDK 1.3
> > 
> > 
> > Paul Fink
> -- 
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Joseph B. Ottinger                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>                             IT Consultant

Joseph B. Ottinger                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]                             IT Consultant

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