We rolled our own servlet for this. I found none of the existing frameworks
to properly address what we needed. It is not a complicated thing to write.
An XML config file specifies the commands that get executed for any given
pathinfo. The command is tied to an XSL stylesheet, which processes the XML
that the command generates.

Precompiled stylesheets are effectively XSL stylesheets that have already
been parsed from the XML text into the DOM Node tree that is used by the
XSLT processor. These "compiled" stylesheets are then Serialized out, and
then Serialized back in, such that our code can then skip the cost of
parsing the XSL's XML file, in exchange for the cost of serialization.


> Tim,
> that sounds v.interesting.  Forgive my ignorance but what toolkit are you
> using and what do you mean by "precompile the XSL pages"?
> Thanks,
> Trevor
> On Thu, 26 Apr 2001, Tim Endres wrote:
> > We do exactly what you propose. A servlet drives lightweight commands. The
> > commands get XML trees containing the HttpServletRequest information, and
> > fill in a subtree with the XML results. This tree is fed into XSLT and the
> > resulting HTML is sent down the wire. I prefer it over JSP by miles. We
> > precompile the XSL pages, so we get really good performance. And the
> > separation of content/presentation could not be better.
> > 
> > tim.
> > 
> <SNIP>

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