I've been to orionsupport, and actually their "ipchains" information is
outdated.  I used this to reroute packets from port 80 to 10080:

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT
--to-port 10080

I am pretty sure this is working, because I am having Orion listen on port
10080, but I am not specifying that port in the browser--and it is working
from the linux machine, and also another machine on my network.  Some more
information:  I am on DSL right now, with a router configured so that my
linux box is a DMZ.  From another machine in my network, I can put in the
outside IP address and Orion works.  From anywhere else (outside my network)
I cannot connect, although curiously enough, I can get 404 and 400
errors--it will not load pages, however.  I wonder if this is a problem with
my iptables?  I know basically nothing about iptables, but I see that in my
filter table the following rules are there:

Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target ----- prot --- opt --- source --------- destination
DROP ........ all ... -- .... [my outside ip] ..

There are actually a couple lines, with some of my recent IP addresses (they
are dynamic).  I have no idea what this means, but I wonder if iptables is
only providing my local IPs with access..... possibly?  I'm really at a loss
here, as I don't know linux very well.  Any insight would be appreciated.

>From: Montebove Luciano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: Orion-Interest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: Orion-Interest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: RE: Orion on Linux, Follow-up Question
>Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2001 16:41:43 +0200
>Hi Jimbo,
>You can find some responses here
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Jimbo Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: giovedì 11 ottobre 2001 15.34
>To: Orion-Interest
>Subject: Orion on Linux, Follow-up Question
>My previous problem, starting Orion on linux, was due to the fact that I
>calling upon the wrong JVM (even though I thought I had my path set
>correctly).  That is resolved.  Now I have another problem that seems more
>linux-related than Orion-related, but perhaps some of you know the
>I have Orion running on linux, and from that machine I can access
>Orion-served pages.  But I cannot do so from outside that machine.  What's
>more, I am unable to run it on a user account.  For now, I'm running under
>root.  But like I said, I cannot connect to it from another machine.  Upon
>doing some investigating, I have discoverd that when I try to connect from
>another machine, Orion is sending the HTTP headers only and then freezes
>without sending anything else.  The page never loads, it just hangs
>indefinitely.  I strongly suspect this has something to do with linux and
>not Orion.  I cannot run Orion on a user account because it tells me I
>have permission to run an HTTP server.  I don't get that message as root,
>but I wonder if there is some linux mechanism at work blocking my attempts
>to transmit data via HTTP.
>Your help in resolving this issue is greatly appreciated.
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