Taking head in hand, it seems to me Dr. Altman's thesis that Kittim was a 
universally pejorative term involves some circularity in argument, since a 
fair reading of Ant. 1.128 shows no insulting content, unless one approaches 
this passage with a prior thesis that all references to Kittim _must_ be 
negative.  "Chetimos held the island of Chetima - the modern Cyprus - whence 
the name Chetim given by the Hebrews to all islands and to most maritime 
countries."  Where is the insult here?  Josephus was not that subtle.  The 
idea that this contains a negative reference to the Sea Peoples (i.e. the 
late Bronze Age invasions? - the Greeks did not consider all thassalocracies 
bad) is a forced reading in my opinion.  Dierk is clearly correct that the 
Kittim have military-mercenary associations in Jubilees as elsewhere.  
Indeed, the Kittim appear to almost everywhere have a military connotation, 
except Josephus, where no such association is apparent.

    Best regards,
    Russell Gmirkin
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