> a conference on Qumran Hebrew held in October 1999 at Ben Gurion
> University, Beer Sheva, during which Qimron, Hurvitz, Blau and others
> addressed your question. a volume of proceedings appeared last year
> published by Brill

Diggers at the well : proceedings of the third International Symposium of
the Hebrew of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Ben Sira. Studies on the texts of the
desert of Judah ; 36 / ed. by T. Muraoka and J. F. Elwolde, Leiden : E.J.
Brill , 2000

there are two previous volumes:

The Hebrew of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Ben Sira : proceedings of a symposium
held at Leiden University 11-14 December 1995 / ed. by T. Muraoka and J. F.
Elwolde. - Leiden : E.J. Brill, 1997 (Studies on the texts of the desert of
Judah ; 26) 

Takamitsu Muraoka and John Elwolde (eds.), Sirach, Scrolls and Sages.
Proceedings of a Second International Symposium on the Hebrew of the Dead
Sea Scrolls, Ben Sira and the Mishnah, held at Leiden University,15-17
December 1997 (STDJ 33), Leiden: Brill, 1999

Apart from that, here's my limited contribution. I'm not saying it all
touches equally directly on Ross' inquiry -- nor that I agree with all of it
or even have understood all of it :-)

I'm much interested in hearing what others have to add - and thanks, Ross,
for raising the question 

Soren, Copenhagen


Abegg, M.C., Jr., 'The Hebrew of the Dead Sea Scrolls', in F.W. Flint and
J.C. Vanderkam (eds.), The Dead Sea Scrolls after Fifty Years. A
Comprehensive Assessment (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1998), pp. 325-58

Margain, J., 'L'hébreu à Qoumrân', in E.-M. Laperrousaz, ed., Qoumrân et les
Manuscrits de la mer Morte. Un cinquantenaire (Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf
1997), pp. 159-73

Morag, S., 'Qumran Hebrew: Some Typological Observations', VT 38 (1988), pp.

Muraoka, T., 'The Participle in Qumran Hebrew with special Reference to its
Periphrastic Use', in , Sirach, Scrolls and Sages, pp. 188-204

Also an entry by professor Muraoka in the wonderful "Encyclopedia of the
Dead Sea Scrolls", Oxford: OUP 2000, don't have the exact reference here

Naudé, J.A., 'Towards a Typology of Qumran Hebrew', JNWSL 20/2 (1994), pp.

Qimron, E., 'Observations on the History of Early Hebrew (1000 B.C.E.-200
C.E.) in the Light of the Dead Sea Documents', in D. Dimant and U.
Rappaport, eds., The Dead Sea Scrolls. Forty years of research (Leiden: E.J.
Brill/Jerusalem: Magnes a.o., 1992), pp. 349-61 

Schniedewind, William M., 'Qumran Hebrew as an Antilanguage', JBL 118
(1999), pp. 235-52

Smith, Mark, 'Grammatically Speaking: The Participle as a Main Verb of
Clauses (Predicative Participle) in Direct Discourse and NArrative in
pre-Mishnaic Hebrew', in  Sirach, Scrolls and Sages, pp. 278-332
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