Hi Robert,
Robert Osfield wrote:

   * OpenSceneGraph-2.1.14, released on 3rd Octoberr 2007. Main
changes are build/executation fixes for OSX/Mingw/Cygwin, full range
of threading models now enabled in CompositeViewer and improvements to
the ShadowMap implementation. This will the last developer relese
before 2.2 (due to be made Thursday 4th October) so please test
Compiles fine on linux (no surprise there).

The osgshadow example, with the default scene (-3 option) seems only to generate a black scene here, with any of the shadowing techniques. The plane scene (-2) shows the terrain correctly, but the plane is black and the shadow cast is rectangular (probably the whole shadowing texture), see screenshot. This is on a Quadro4 900 XL, driver 8756, FC4 system. Are there any specific extensions that might be missing on my system, is availability checked for at startup?


<<attachment: plane.jpg>>

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