
i built using xcode from svn head this am and everything built first thing right out of the box. the only thing i tested was the cocoviewer and the qt viewer examples. QT i put a message in about earlier tonight, cocoa is fine except it seems to be much slower than i would expect. i have looked at why yet.

best jim

On Oct 3, 2007, at 12:49 PM, osg-users- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Mac OSX Xcode

svn checkout, built with Xcode Development, ran a few of the
examples.  Now building with Deployment configuration.  Seems to be

I'm just reviewing the various changes w.r.t GLU made this week and it
looks like your XCode build is working fine with the new

Today Adrian Egli is reporting problems with today SVN on XCode wthe
the error relating to changes include/osg/GLU.   This leaves me mighty
confused, could it be that different versions  of XCode exhibit
different build behaviors?

What version of OSX + XCode are you working with?


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