If this is a bug (I'm imaging it is) then you should probably submit it
to osg-submissions. I remember working on this a few months back, but
Robert is real busy right now and I'm not sure he'll be able to check it
out any time soon...

On Wed, 2007-11-14 at 01:50 +0530, maruti borker wrote:
> I found the problem in the first part , actually when the saved
> animation path is platyed , the animationPathManipulator uses
> ea.getTIme() rather than ea.getTime()-firstTIme. firstTIme is the time
> when it actually started playing the .path file :). 
> I overloaded the function and worked like charm :) . If anyone needs
> the source code please mail me
> On Nov 13, 2007 12:28 AM, maruti borker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>         I have developed an application which needs an auto-tour
>         option . 
>         So what i thought was to use osgviewer to record the path and
>         then play it using the saved_animation.path.
>         So first i created that saved_animation.path and then i added
>         a keyboard event , so that whenever i press 'a' the animation
>         path is played by switching the loop option off . I thought
>         this would solve the problem . But i am facing the following
>         problems :- 
>         1. It doesnt start from the beginning , it starts somewhere in
>         between 
>         2. I am not able to manipulate the scene after i play the path
>         file .
>         I used the implementation of -p in osgviwer to play the path
>         file . 
>         To solve problem #1 i tried setting some options of
>         osgGA::AnimationPathManipulator . 
>         Like settng the manipulator to home(0.0) and i also tried
>         init . 
>         But still it starts and in the middle of the path :( . Any
>         hack to change this ?
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