Familiar looking stack trace...

Not that this will help you, but we were getting this an awful lot in both
release and debug builds. The specific situation was that we had a subclass
of an OpenThreads thread that had an osgViewer::Viewer as a member - or
actually, we had a ref_ptr to the viewer as a member. The Viewer was
realised() during the first thread::run. Trying to - carefully and
gracefully, we thought - explicitly destroy the viewer by doing my_viewer =
0 in the thread's destructor (or anywhere else, in fact) resulted in exactly
this error - i.e. a crash in the glDeleteShader call. Oddly, it went away if
we didn't explicitly delete the viewer in the threads destructor, i.e. just
let the ref_ptr decrement to zero and self delete.

We got this behaviour for both CompositeViewer, and regular Viewer.

I even got as far as preparing a similar osg-users plea for help, although I
never sent it.

Since the problem went away, we didn't try to reproduce the issue, so can't
be much more helpful (deadlines, and all).

This was on WinXP, 2-core, .NET, ATI GPUs.

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