
  i'm using FBO to render offscreen and i have found a little problem when i
need to resize the target object.

  i have the following scenario:

  1. I set up a camera to use FRAME_BUFFER_OBJECT (as osgprerender).
  2. I attach an Image to it with camera.attach (leaving OSG to control de
RenderBuffer object).
  3. I render once. (viewer.frame()).
  4. I take a snapshot of the image using osgDB.writeImageFile

Until here all runs ok. I have a pretty file with the rendered frame as
expected. But since i want to be able to resize the target (Image) between
frames render, i do next the following:

 5. Simulate a resizing (growing up), changing the image size (hence
changing the internal buffer) or creating a new Image with different size.
 6. setting Viewport from the camera to the desired size.
 7. I attach the new image to the camera (or the original resized one).
 8. I render once again. (viewer.frame()).
 9. I take a snapshot of the image.

The problem is that the internal FBO that RenderStage controls doesn't
notice the attachment's change, and therefore doesn't call fbo.setAttachment,
so what i have in the second
snapshot (step 9) is only a piece of  the image rendered.

 If i have understand correctly the framebuffer_object spec, it says that
the FBO doesn't have sizing fields internally, and the final size is
governed by the attachment (here the image).

 I 'feel' that renderstage only calls fbo.setAttachment when the fbo is
initialized. If this where the case, then how can i force RenderStage to
reattach the fbo without creating it again? I will
try to use the fbo.dirtyAll, but first i must realize how can i get at it.

 Of course, i  also could have missed something. I have a test code with the
problem, so if it must be tested, i can upload it.

 Another side effect of renderstage (independent for this problem) is that
it also attach another renderbuffer to the depth_component internally, with
or without being said. Is this avoidable?

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