Hi Robert,

 i only resize (i.e. recreate) the FBO when a resize operation is performed
(when it is detected as finished). 99% of the time this will not happen.
Really, my app performance is dropping due to the readback operation every
frame. In my case this is acceptable, as i don't need constant frame rate
(i'm rendering on demand, my app is a CAD like one). OSG is so fast doing
its work, that the response time is good enough.

  This is my workaround to the problem i mentioned in my post:

       osgViewer::Renderer* renderer =



  These lines force the RenderStage to recreate the FBO, but this only
happens when the resize operation ends.

  Your idea is better of course. But my app must be able to handle a
multimonitor system. How can i determine in this situation what is the
largest region i need? Is this region independent of the multimonitor

Thank you for your advices, Robert. I really appreciate them.
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