Eyal Raab wrote on Wednesday, December 12, 2007 6:25 AM:
> Hi,
>     * Can someone point me to an explanation on how LOD is used in
>       intersection testing?
>     * When doing intersection testing, can I specify the LOD for the
>       testing?
>     * I'm trying to find all of the drawable objects that fit inside a
>       given PolytopeIntersector but that appear only at a given LOD
>       range ( I'm only interested in the highest resolution drawables
>       objects ).

See osgUtil::IntersectVisitor::LODSelectionMode. osg::LOD uses the
getDistanceToEyePoint function to determine which child to visit, so the
visitor can influence what LOD is used by how it implements that
function. The LODSelectionMode type lets you always select the highest
level of detail, but there isn't an option for a specific range of LODs
(which would be tricky anyway, since you never know how many levels are
available in a particular scenegraph!).

Basically, IntersectVisitor acts just like any other NodeVisitor when it
comes to an LOD; it's just that the LOD either thinks the eyepoint is
right next to it (IntersectVisitor::USE_HIGHEST_LEVEL_OF_DETAIL), or
that the eyepoint is at the _pseudoEyePoint (which is set to the start
point of the last segment added via addLineSegment())

If you need different LOD behavior than that, you could probably
subclass IntersectVisitor and override getDistanceToEyePoint() to get
the behavior you need.

Hope this helps,
Bryan Thrall
FlightSafety International
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