Hi, there, people.

It's been a bunch of days that I've been trying to learn how to deal with
mouse picking and stuff. I found a pickhandler class on Paul's book and
tried to implement it simply by copying and pasting it to my source code
(yeah, I'm really new at the whole osg universe, and even computer graphics
for that matter). Well, it didn't work. I came to the people on this mailing
list and asked them. What was then said to me was that it didn't work
because I was using ShapeDrawables and that the Pickhandler class was not
designed to deal with them - I needed osg::geometry-based spheres, boxes and
cylinders for it to work.

Here I am, then, asking anyone that can answer me, why it didn't work even
though I used a box rendered vertex by vertex?

Basically, my application is consisted of three classes representing the
geometric primitives: plane, point and line. Because I want to represent
them well (it is a software to help in the teaching of spatial geometry) I
didn't use the correlated primitives osg already offers. Instead, I used
(thin) boxes, (small) spheres and (thin) cylinders. My user is supposed to
select each one of these shapes and do stuff with it. But before I create
the stuff, I need them to be able to select the shapes, i.e., pick them
using the mouse.

I was going to attach the souce code to this message, but I've given up, for
I know that what I really need is an understanding of the basics of mouse
picking..... but I mean the true and real basics. What I mean with basics? I
need to understand every line of that pickhandler class for starters.... If
not, at least an understanding on how to USE this class...

Anyone's been through a similar situation and/or might be able to help me?

Thank you....

Renan M Z Mendes
osg-users mailing list

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