Hi All,

Sorry if this is an old chestnut, but I got a question about the .osg file 

I've got a scene created, and I save the universe out as a .osg file. I've 
passed no options through in the the call, so the file that's created appears 
to have the textures that the scene uses actually embedded within the osg file. 
For my purposes this is great. However, when I double click on the osg file, 
and view it with the osgviewer, no textures appear.

I should add at this point that I'm still using OSG 1.2 - would love to move on 
but no time at the moment.

So, has anyone come across this problem before ?

The textures that have been used are targas and jpegs if that's any help.

It appears that using the options parameter I could force the save to merely 
record a reference to the texture, and this would solve my immediate problem, 
however I thought that I may have stumbled across a minor bug, and wanted to 
check if anyone knew about it.

Thanks for any comments

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