Hello folks.

I just can't seem to leave this alone and now I need a little insight.  
As has been reported before when trying to use OSG on Cygwin we 
experience some hangs and I believe this has been confirmed by Alberto 
Luaces.  Working with debug version of the Cygwin Dll and debug version 
of OSG and then gdb I have acquired some understanding of where the 
hang is but now need some advice to how to move further.

Robert suggested before using a simple test case of osgconv so that is 
what I have been working with and it seems the hangs are a result of 
the cygwin_osgdb_osg.dll plugin.  From my test cases (and I have not 
tested all examples ) it seems that if cygwin_osgdb_gif.dll, 
cygwin_osgdb_jpg.dll, or cygwin_osgdb_rgb.dll for example (these are 
all I have looked at) are the only dll loaded then there is no hang but 
if cygwin_osgdb_osg.dll is used I can the hang when this dll is 
attempted to be closed.

My example is using gbd and osgconvd (debug version) as in:
gdb osgconvd

while in gdb I do 

set args cow.osg brian.osg 

so I am attempting convert cow.osg to brian.osg

I set my breakpoint such that I can see and check the 
DynamicLibrary.cpp opens and closes and with my Notify set to INFO I 
can see in this example that cygwin_osgdb_osg.dll gets opened first and 
then cygwin_osgdb_rgb.dll.  When I hit my breakpoint on the close after 
the data has been written to brian.osg I see it is closing in the same 
order it opened so it closes cygwin_osgdb_osg.dll first (or would if it 
didn't hang on the close) and then it would close cygwin_osgdb_rgb.dll. 

Thinking that maybe this should be handle in a LIFO format I modified 
the open logic to do an dlList.insert instead of a dlList.push_back and 
tried again.  Now it does successfully close cygwin_osgdb_rgb.dll but 
again when it get to the close for cygwin_osgdb_osg.dll it hangs.  I 
have traced the hang to the line in dlfcn.cc which is part of Cygwin 
and I would think something has not closed that cygwin_osgdb_osg.dll 
needs to have closed before it can since some of the others seem to 
close properly but I can I find what is left open.  GDB dies eventually 
terminate on it own and below is the last of the stepping from gdb.

Looking for additional thoughts


Closing DynamicLibrary osgPlugins-2.4.0/cygwin_osgdb_osg.dll
osgDB::DynamicLibrary::~DynamicLibrary (this=0x110cc470)
    at /usr/src/OpenSceneGraph/src/osgDB/DynamicLibrary.cpp:69
69              dlclose(_handle);
(gdb) s
0x610b3662 in _sigfe_dlclose ()
    at /usr/develop/src/src/src/winsup/cygwin/cygerrno.h:31
31        debug_printf ("%s:%d val %d", fn, ln, val);
(gdb) s
dlclose (handle=0x23c9c8)
    at /usr/develop/src/src/src/winsup/cygwin/dlfcn.cc:141
141     {
(gdb) s

Breakpoint 7, dlclose (handle=0x610b2c98)
    at /usr/develop/src/src/src/winsup/cygwin/dlfcn.cc:142
142       int ret = -1;
(gdb) s
143       if (handle == GetModuleHandle (NULL) || FreeLibrary 
((HMODULE) handle)
(gdb) print handle
$7 = (void *) 0x89a0000
(gdb) s
1175829803 [main] osgconvd 3268 sig_send: wait for sig_complete event 
failed, si
gnal 6, rc 258, Win32 error 0

Program exited with code 03000.

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